The article presents your thought process. It can be a hobby of providing information to people. A person can teach a lot through various informative articles. We are living in an information age where all the information is at one click of our finger. Either you are using a laptop or Smartphone; you can easily gain much information about any subject. Today I like to share some information about the method of writing an article for Article Directories. There are many free article directories, which allow you to submit your article.
Topic: First, write on your topic instead of searching a hot topic on the internet. Find the topic in which you can think and write from your heart. If you write on any topic, it will not give you much pleasure. There are many categories available in Article Directories; you can choose one of them and start to think over it.
Title: After selecting a topic, you have to keep a title for an article. The title should have a brief message about the content. A catchy title always attracts people.The title of your article must not contain too much character. Keep in mind that you are not writing a precise sentence but a line that describes your intention and thought. You can search for a keyword that has a high-ranking in search engines.
Body: Now concentrate on the body part of your article, which is the most important part of your article. Here, you have to write about your feelings and thoughts. What you have understood about the topic, and you are going to describe at this point. Generally, Your article should contain 400 words. Therefore, divide your thoughts into three or four paragraphs; it will be easy for a reader to understand the article.
Consistency: Keep control of your emotions, your content should have a continue flowing. Do not break a link while writing an article. Never start a new discussion or point without completing a previous point. When you do not maintain consistency in your writing, it will confuse your reader. Always stick to your topic and do not criticize anyone for any fault. It will give a negative impact on your article.
Language: There is no use to write your articles in a jargon language. Use simple language with short sentences so that readers can easily understand them. You can easily write your thoughts with small but effective sentences.
Guidelines: Before writing any article, understand the guidelines of article directories. We see many articles were rejected due to not following a proper editorial guideline. It will give you a perfect image about keywords, grammar, spelling, format, content, and author bio.
Summary: After completing the body part, write three or four lines about the summary of an article. Precise lines about the article will add a touch to your article.
Author-Bio: Here, you can write about yourself. You can also give your website link for your publicity or promotion. It should be not more than two or three lines. It will give you recognition as a writer. After all, we all love recognition.
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